About Jo

Zhou Ling (1991.05.08), an illustrator and graphic designer based in Shanghai. Her paintings portray romanticism while showing the gentle and powerful side of women through the active urban life force that defines Shanghai. Her bold statements blended with a flow of lazy lines display the attitude of contemporary women’s pursuit of a healthy and sexy lifestyle filled with assurance and passion comes from within. She will stick to explore the urban realities such as women with themselves, women with freedom, and women with passion in her paintings.

周玲(1991.05.08) 艺术家,插画师,平面设计师,服务于中国李宁、4A广告公司等知名品牌。中国独立插画品牌 super peach创始人。绘画风格用色艳丽大胆,线条慵懒流动,散发出女性世界特有的浪漫与自由气质,温柔却拥有力量。创作灵感源于对上海都市生活的体验和感悟。最常以拥有蜜桃翘臀女性形象作为女性符号,去表达当代女性的追求健康性感的生活态度以及发自内心的自信与热烈。探索女人与自我、女人与自由、女人与情欲等都市现实主题。